
2013 精简日历

Compact Calendar 2013 基础上:
  • 页面"Tables",增加了倒休日期功能
  • 页面"12-Month",以背景色区分工作日和节假日(休息日灰背景)



Based on Compact Calendar 2013:
  • On worksheet Tables, added Workday Lookup Table for workday shift
  • On worksheet 12-Month, distinguish workdays and holidays with different background color (white for workdays)
There might be some small changes on the display according to my own preference.

The holidays and workday shift are according to the government's announcement.



主要参考:[實用資訊] 歐盟.歐元區.申根國傻傻分不清楚 暨 各種退稅方式

* Global Blue 机场退税
* Amazon.de 网购退税
Im Gewerbepark D 55
93059 Regensburg


我在amazon.de据说和.uk, .us是一个账户;但和.cn的账户是用不了的)上注册了个账号,然后就退税提问,下面是回答的主体——应该是同一模版,没有细节,也没有回答我的具体问题。结合网上的一些中文信息,可以有个大体了解,可能实际操作也很简单、没有各种坑,就没有人有动力提供详细攻略了。

From: cs-reply@amazon.de
To qualify for the refund, the following legal deadline must be met: the item must be exported before the third calendar month following the month in which the goods were received has expired.

For legal reason, we require proof that:

*your residence is abroad (*non*EU) as far as this is not evident from the export certificate, and
*that the items you purchased from Amazon.de have been declared at the customs

Please send both documents as well as the original invoice (essential!) to the following address:

Im Gewerbepark D 55
93059 Regensburg

We will keep the original invoice and the confirmation for our records. If you need a copy of your invoices, please tell us the respective order numbers and we will send you the copies.


Time sync issues - SQL Server login

There is weird problem occurred just yesterday: in the same domain, using the same domain account (Windows Authentication), but on two different computers, everything is fine on the first computer (which is the domain controller); but, one the other computer it is impossible to connect to SQL Server DB (which is also in the same domain).

We doubted our own program first, so we tried SQL Server Management Studio, and it also failed, mentioning "Failed to generate SSPI context".
Then, we switched from FQDN to IP address, succeeded but seems a little bit slower than normal.
So, we doubted the DNS server - running nslookup - but it's fine.

We compared every possible differences might exist between the two, finally there is the one: the second computer has the year as 2010 instead of 2012!
As it is a shared testing environment, it is hard to know and remember who did the change and why.

The reason is that for security the time is critical and a much longer one which is knowledge oriented not problem concentrated.
And this could be in a more subtle: different time zone showing the same time.


Another time related issue - leap seconds

It is NTP, again.
Besides the integer overflow issue, not VM oriented, there is also leap seconds issue.


Command Parameters and special characters

An elaborated article: http://www.autohotkey.net/~deleyd/parameters/parameters.htm

Howto change file ownership in command line or by programming

Q: Changing file Ownership with PowerShell 2.0
A: Setting the owner on an ACL in Powershell

A tool is also provided by MS: takeown. But the latest comment is very interesting: he/she ended up with Cygwin's chown.
Next time, I would try both :)

And Copy&Pasted the blog from cosmoskey.blogspot.com for reference:


I was trying to set the owner of an ACL in powershell using the following code:

PS C:\Users\Johan> $acl = get-acl c:\temp\acltest
PS C:\Users\Johan> $principal = New-Object Security.Principal.NTAccount "$env:computername\ownertestaccount"
PS C:\Users\Johan> $acl.psbase.SetOwner($principal)
PS C:\Users\Johan> set-acl -Path C:\Temp\acltest -AclObject $acl
Set-Acl : The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this object.
At line:1 char:8
+ set-acl <<<<  -Path C:\Temp\acltest -AclObject $acl
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (C:\Temp\acltest:String) [Set-Acl], InvalidOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetAclCommand

PS C:\Users\Johan>

So setting this ACL doesn't work. Why? I am an administrator! OK, what happens when I start the shell with Run As Administrator?... The same result.

So now we go to google and search a bit and I found the following KB article. What it says is that we need to have the rights to do the deed. Hey, not too surprising. By default Administrators and Backup Administrators have the Restore files and directories (SeRestorePrivilege) User Right. To set the owner we need to have this right, but in the scenario above I was executing the code with a account with all this privilege.

The problem here is that the privilege is not enabled in the access token, we need to call a function called AdjustTokenPrivileges() to adjust the current access token of our process. So we need to call this function, pass in a variable saying that we need to enable a privilege and pass in the privilege we want to enable. To call this function we need to do a little bit of PInvoke. I borrowed the base of my code from pinvoke.net.

So here is my little Set-Owner function.

function Set-Owner {
[System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference]$Principal=$(throw "Mandatory parameter -Principal missing."),
$File=$(throw "Mandatory parameter -File missing.")
if(-not (Test-Path $file)){
throw "File $file is missing."
if($Principal -eq $null){
throw "Principal is NULL"

$code = @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CosmosKey.Utils
public class TokenManipulator

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool AdjustTokenPrivileges(IntPtr htok, bool disall,
ref TokPriv1Luid newst, int len, IntPtr prev, IntPtr relen);

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess();

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool OpenProcessToken(IntPtr h, int acc, ref IntPtr

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool LookupPrivilegeValue(string host, string name,
ref long pluid);

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
internal struct TokPriv1Luid
public int Count;
public long Luid;
public int Attr;

internal const int SE_PRIVILEGE_DISABLED = 0x00000000;
internal const int SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x00000002;
internal const int TOKEN_QUERY = 0x00000008;
internal const int TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x00000020;

public const string SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME = "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege";
public const string SE_AUDIT_NAME = "SeAuditPrivilege";
public const string SE_BACKUP_NAME = "SeBackupPrivilege";
public const string SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY_NAME = "SeChangeNotifyPrivilege";
public const string SE_CREATE_GLOBAL_NAME = "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege";
public const string SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE_NAME = "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege";
public const string SE_CREATE_PERMANENT_NAME = "SeCreatePermanentPrivilege";
public const string SE_CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK_NAME = "SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege";
public const string SE_CREATE_TOKEN_NAME = "SeCreateTokenPrivilege";
public const string SE_DEBUG_NAME = "SeDebugPrivilege";
public const string SE_ENABLE_DELEGATION_NAME = "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege";
public const string SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME = "SeImpersonatePrivilege";
public const string SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY_NAME = "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege";
public const string SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME = "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege";
public const string SE_INC_WORKING_SET_NAME = "SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege";
public const string SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME = "SeLoadDriverPrivilege";
public const string SE_LOCK_MEMORY_NAME = "SeLockMemoryPrivilege";
public const string SE_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_NAME = "SeMachineAccountPrivilege";
public const string SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME = "SeManageVolumePrivilege";
public const string SE_PROF_SINGLE_PROCESS_NAME = "SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege";
public const string SE_RELABEL_NAME = "SeRelabelPrivilege";
public const string SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege";
public const string SE_RESTORE_NAME = "SeRestorePrivilege";
public const string SE_SECURITY_NAME = "SeSecurityPrivilege";
public const string SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = "SeShutdownPrivilege";
public const string SE_SYNC_AGENT_NAME = "SeSyncAgentPrivilege";
public const string SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_NAME = "SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege";
public const string SE_SYSTEM_PROFILE_NAME = "SeSystemProfilePrivilege";
public const string SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME = "SeSystemtimePrivilege";
public const string SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME = "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege";
public const string SE_TCB_NAME = "SeTcbPrivilege";
public const string SE_TIME_ZONE_NAME = "SeTimeZonePrivilege";
public const string SE_TRUSTED_CREDMAN_ACCESS_NAME = "SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege";
public const string SE_UNDOCK_NAME = "SeUndockPrivilege";
public const string SE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT_NAME = "SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege";        

public static bool AddPrivilege(string privilege)
bool retVal;
TokPriv1Luid tp;
IntPtr hproc = GetCurrentProcess();
IntPtr htok = IntPtr.Zero;
retVal = OpenProcessToken(hproc, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, ref htok);
tp.Count = 1;
tp.Luid = 0;
retVal = LookupPrivilegeValue(null, privilege, ref tp.Luid);
retVal = AdjustTokenPrivileges(htok, false, ref tp, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
return retVal;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;

public static bool RemovePrivilege(string privilege)
bool retVal;
TokPriv1Luid tp;
IntPtr hproc = GetCurrentProcess();
IntPtr htok = IntPtr.Zero;
retVal = OpenProcessToken(hproc, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, ref htok);
tp.Count = 1;
tp.Luid = 0;
retVal = LookupPrivilegeValue(null, privilege, ref tp.Luid);
retVal = AdjustTokenPrivileges(htok, false, ref tp, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
return retVal;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;


$errPref = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference= "silentlycontinue"
$type = [CosmosKey.Utils.TokenManipulator]
$ErrorActionPreference = $errPref
if($type -eq $null){
add-type $code
$acl = Get-Acl $File
set-acl -Path $File -AclObject $acl -passthru

If we run this function then we will see a very different result:

PS C:\Users\Johan> get-acl C:\Temp\acltest

    Directory: C:\Temp

Path               Owner                Access
----               -----                ------
acltest            MyLaptop\OldTest     BUILTIN\Administrators Allow  FullCo...

PS C:\Users\Johan> set-owner $(new-object security.principal.ntaccount "$env:computername\NewTest") C:\Temp\acltest

    Directory: C:\Temp

Path              Owner                Access
----              -----                ------
acltest           MyLaptop\NewTest     BUILTIN\Administrators Allow  FullCo...

PS C:\Users\Johan>

In the end we got there but it took me some time... :)








Hash algorithms

Either Murmur2 or FNV-1a would be a good fit, according to the answer on StackExchange.


Syn Attack Protection

In a performance test, a bug was reported: a web application cannot handle clients' requests.

Server side:
  • more than 10k TIME_WAIT;
  • no error - no entry in Event Log or log files;
  • performance is OK (by measuring CPU, MEM, DISK, etc. using performance counter)
    • except the counts of received requests and processed requests are under expected
    • the count goes to 0 from certain time for certain clients in the order of test load (the most heavy working client gets blocked first)
  • the firewall is disabled
Client sides: all clients are running the same tests using the same test tool, except for the test data and test load
  • for certain client, if it fails, it fails forever
  • generates the following exception: System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
There seems no obvious errors in source code, both server side and client side.

Finally, I figure out it could possibly be the Syn Attack Protection problem, which is enabled by default and cannot be changed since Windows Vista.
In our case it's not like a typical syn flood attack, but based on the Cause analysis of the "General Network Error" of BizTalk, it could possibly be a Syn Attack, and protected by Windows 2008 SP1.

Other resources:
Next Generation TCP/IP Stack (and especially the changes to registry)
WinNT TCP/IP May Reuse TIME-WAIT Connections Prior to 2MSL

Too many TIME_WAIT:
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch/QueryPerformanceCounter not working on Amazon AWS, other symptoms, and the solution
The cost on server side
The socket also ties up that particular src/dst IP address and port so it cannot be reused for the duration of the TIME_WAIT interval. (This is the intended purpose of the TIME_WAIT state.) Tying up the port is not usually an issue unless you need to reconnect a with the same port pair. Most often one side will use an ephemeral port, with only one side anchored to a well known port. However, a very large number of TIME_WAIT sockets can exhaust the ephemeral port space if you are repeatedly and frequently connecting between the same two IP addresses. Note this only affects this particular IP address pair, and will not affect establishment of connections with other hosts.

HttpWebRequest related
Howto keep connection live
Timing out after awhile;

Worth a read
Avoiding TCP/IP Port Exhaustion: only the Cause section
A short explanation on TIME_WAIT
TIME_WAIT Effects on Busy Servers: maybe outdated, and tested on SunOS
64k ephemeral port limit is per IP address, not per machine

Configure the max limit for concurrent TCP connections
How to harden the TCP/IP stack against denial of service attacks in Windows Server 2003
Registry Settings that can be Modified to Improve Network Performance
Exhaustion of the ephemeral ports
Problems when you make Web service requests from ASP.NET applications
TCP settings that can impact BizTalk Server
MaxUserPort and TcpTimedWaitDelay


Byte order fallacy and optimization

In Rob Pike's The byte order fallacy, he advocates portability and simplicity, but failed to address the performance issue (wrong to modern processors).
"byte order doesn't matter" - for you local machine; but, should be taken care when handling IO.

The optimization is more interesting: that code block could be optimized by CLang, but not GCC.

Comments from Chris Lattner:
In general, optimizing the original code to a single 32-bit load on little endian targets is not safe: the pointer may not be aligned. However, even after marking the pointer aligned, clang still misses the optimization.
Clang can successfully forward loads and stores when the accessed object is known.
Finally, Clang also optimizes the opposite: turning this code into a "bswapl" on x86.

You won't missing ntohl/htonl, right?
And there is network types support!



Some time ago, I happened to know WOW64 is short for "Win 32 On Win 64" - WOW!

This time for a bug, I looked deeper.
  • Changes to file system are more visible
File System Redirector
only system32 and most sub-folders are taken care of;
"Program Files" is not covered here, but by using environment variables;
for 32-bit and 64-bit programs, they use their own copies - redirected to different folders; the shared are bit regardless, like logfiles, hosts are plain text files;
  • Changes to Registry are more error prone
Registry Reflection - it was used, now deprecated; using the share model;
Registry Redirector - copy model, in most recently versions of OSs
Registry Keys Affected by WOW64 - finally, copy model and share model co-exist

And even worse, Wow6432Node could generate recursive path; regedit handles this correctly;

But, most of us developers are not going to learn all this, or read the Best Practices for WOW64. We'd rather write our own functions, like check the OS's version, and make up the file/registry path by hand, instead of OS APIs, like IsWow64Process(), or environment variables.


Time related issues

* NTP was not designed to run inside of a virtual machine
* For long running applications, using 32-bit for timing could overflow; but, 64-bit could fail in another way


My calculation on Yahoo's job cutting

Yahoo! Statement
Yahoo! expects to realize approximately $375 million of annualized savings upon completion of all employee transitions. The company currently expects to recognize the majority of an estimated $125 to $145 million pretax cash charge relating to employee severance...

Based on these numbers:
* Average yearly salary: 375*1000/2000 = 187.5 K$/year (so an average employee, to be cut, gets half of that in hand or paid - 93.75K$/year?).
* Average years in Yahoo: (375/145, 375/125) = (2.586206896551724, 3.0) Year, if all/most of them get a n+1 compensation.

The first average number maybe meaningless;
The second average number might be the common evaluation of employees from a company's business view.

As mentioned here (in Chinese): Yahoo has 14000 employees in total.
Then, this is a 14% cut off, and most of employees are serving Yahoo less than 2 years.
So, Yahoo has/had pretty much fresh blood?



  • 平均年薪:3.75*10000/2000 = 18.75万 USD。
  • 平均工龄:(3.75/1.45, 3.75/1.25) = (2.586206896551724, 3.0) Year。
  • 员工分布:至少14%的员工,加入雅虎不超过2年。
第二个估算值,如果高管也是按照 n+1 赔偿,还是有点参考意义——工龄对公司的意义,至少是财务上的。


Reward or not, or how

It depends.

There is a story Thanks or No Thanks told be Joel Spolsky, happened between him and Noah Weiss.
I just get these few ideas:
  • Noah not only provided the idea, but also with precise charge for each AD, when Joel had no idea;
  • Noah implemented the first draft - sadly, this might be the least value-add and why Noah switch from Software Designer to Product Manager;
  • Joel thought others might think: a software business is basically an idea factory ... Why pay twice? (You know what I think? I just know my own thoughts, and not really.)
  • Joel himself thought:
    • I felt we needed to do something else to express our gratitude. Should we ... ? We were stumped.
    • And what about everybody else at Fog Creek?
    • How do you pay employees based on performance when performance is so hard to quantify? (Woo! Really Hard? Yes, I know, pretty hard to reward!)
    • The very act of rewarding workers for a job well done tends to make them think they are doing it solely for the reward;
    • We decided to give Noah 10,000 shares of stock -- conditional ... our stock is hard to value ... (Emm... Conditional and Hard to value ...)
    • Noah seemed pleased (Or negotiation is expected?) Google made him a better offer ... Thanks for the summer, Noah. We are keeping an empty office here in case you change your mind. (No Thanks and Fxxx Off!)
Anyway, it's still appreciated that Joel shared the story.


Why Google Wave failed - answered on Quora

The story about Lars Rasmussen told by an anonymous user is quite interesting. Copied below:

I did not directly work on Wave but here's the story to the best of my knowledge:

Lars Rasmussen was getting ready to leave Google and Google was highly motivated for him to stay on board so they bent a lot of rules and handed him the Google Wave project with very little oversight or control from the Google HQ.

Part of the deal initially was that Wave would be compensated much like a startup, base salaries were supposed to be low but with heavy performance linked bonuses which would have made the Wave team rich upon Wave's success.

During the course of negotiations and building the Wave product, the "heavily reward for success" part of the equation remained but the "punish upon failure" got gradually watered down into irrelevance, making the entire project a win-win bigger proposition.

Because large parts of the performance bonus were tied to intermediate performance goals, the Wave team was more motivated to hit deadlines than to ship good product. Product began to suffer as the team pushed to fill in a feature checklist on time.

The Wave team also largely dogfooded the product only internally within the Wave team who were already familiar with the basic paradigms and any outside user testing that demonstrated problems was carefully marginalized.

Lars was also a true believer and genuinely did believe Wave would become a massive success.

Upon Wave's cancellation, Lars stayed around just long enough to make sure his team was "adequately" compensated and then immediately decamped to Facebook.

In short, Google was experimenting with a drastically new model in an attempt to retain key talent and ended up getting the incentives so perversely aligned that it both directly contributed to a failed product and also compensated that failure more than what a moderate success would have been.


Promotion Systems

After read Promotion Systems and Promotion Systems Redux, it seems the best choice is to be the first few person in a team or organization, if you cannot make or join a startup company. Then, you could be one of the seniors, who can set/influence the rules for their own benefit. So, just take the risk you could bear, and be the first few ones at corresponding different levels.

There seems no better systems, or again "no silver bullet".
If the rules are very clear, then the rules will be gamed.
This might be the reason, why the rules are blurred in most aging systems. But, rules are still there, this is called 潜规则 in Chinese, and finally dominate the system partly or completely ...


Stanford Prison Experiment

Stanford Prison Experiment

I knew Stanford Prison Experiment by some articles in Chinese listing it as one of the examples long ago. But, maybe they are all paperback or don't provide a reference/link. They just mention the experiment and go on with their own arguments.

This post, Startup Recruiting and the Standford Prison Experiment, caught my attention and made me thought, by linking to Wikipedia, and quoting text from Wikipedia:
The results of the experiment argue in favor of situational attribution of behavior rather than dispositional attribution. In other words, it seemed the situation caused the participants' behavior, rather than anything inherent in their individual personalities.

Although, I am not going to read the original report or materials. It just supports my suspect: it is the position/role makes people behaved so differently. But still leaves a question: how about the very start, before the the situations/positions/roles been set? Or, how do these things been setup?

It's natural to think that, everyone sets their own position/role, then competes and adjusts, and eventually forms a dynamically balanced system. But I'm not fully convinced.

It's said there are two fundamental assumptions (by physicists):
  • Everything should be reasonable
  • Everything should be determined
But you can only choose one, for you have "reasonable", then "random" or "free will" cannot be avoided; if you have "determined", then not everything is guaranteed to be "reasonable".

Most of physicists might choose the first one, so that nothing can be faster that light, and also "GOD plays dice" - even if you get all the inputs, you cannot know the outputs for sure.

And I'm also wondering, if there is a random seed for real life, just like we have in the computer world. Or, the rule has randomness inside itself?

Back to real life, the discussion on Hacker News is also interesting:
If you give an interview you cannot pass, how do you distinguish between the quality of different correct responses?
Because the candidate is able to explain their answer at your level.
That's how you know they actually know what they're talking about - the ability to explain it to their grandmother.
Using this same principle though we can argue that someone who knows nothing about brain surgery, such as myself, is qualified to hire brain surgeons based on whether they can explain how to do it in a way that I personally think makes sense to me. I might like to commend myself for being able to hire brain surgeons by virtue of my own ignorance, but it seems to me that the flaw here is I don't really know whether what he explained is true, or if it just sounds good.
So basically you hire the best bull shitter?


Non-ending list

Per 9 Things You Should Never Ask Employees to Do, I only encountered "Ask employees to evaluate themselves".
Although I'm one of the employees been asked, should I say I'm very lucky? :)

But there is also 9 Ways to Ruin a Performance Review, from the same author.
I won't be surprised there is another 9-whatevers.

You just cannot check on a non-ending list.


Benchmark for review and reward

Quoted from a comment on Hacker News:

One reason for this is that many companies review and reward employees based on their "influence" or "visibility" -- what better way to maximize both than be in the air-traffic controller role?

So, the honest work is just being avoided.



公司的代码中还有一堆工程是MC++,依赖着 /clr:oldsyntax 呢;但是,似乎有怪异问题,曾经改成 /clr,又改回 /clr:oldsyntax 了。
一个BUG下,一堆changeset,一堆comments,还有一堆 related/affects/affected by 的 link。一堆大神都不敢动,还是不要贸然修改了。

看到Herb Sutter回复质疑"答非所问"时,说thread里已经有Exceptional C++一半字数时,我也快崩溃了……要全看完的话,都超过Exceptional C++了……

等到Herb Sutter以及JimSpringfield有了实质回复后,才真正开始沟通,也才又了干货(代码)上阵。






